Saturday, September 22, 2007

Why are Indian parents so demanding?

Is it me or does this question arise in all your minds too? Why are Indian parents so overprotective with their children when the American parents think that their children will not be developed if they are not allowed to do things on their own? Blame it on the culture, the safety issues or even one's own insecurity of not being a good parent that leads to horrendous mix of
feelings amongst the children.The confusion that parents have ,first of all, must be clearly analyzed and corrected.


One of the key disaster creating factors.The fear that their children would be led astray or remain indisciplined if they do not take the rod.The children would remain silent which the parents take it as their success but infact, they just staying numb deep within making a boundary or a wall keeping their now called enemies away from their space.They would be confused and irritated since many decisions, though small, would be left for them to take as they're not ready to share it with their rod handling parents.To discipline and to scare your kids are two different things. Why did Jesus say, inorder to enter the kingdom of heaven, be like the little children?? Innocence, my dear parents, is something to be handled with care.Its priceless and it wont last long. So as long as your children are blessed with a gift that would soon be taken away from them,why not let them enjoy it and prepare their way into the big world with a hug, kiss and maybe a pinch!

Safety First!

True, some of the parents are really freaked out when it comes to the safety of their children.In the world of paedophiles, molesters, kidnappers,etc..which parent wouldn't be concerned?Do you think American parents aren't worried about it? But instead of locking them up in their rooms or restricting their activities to indoor,accompany them to parks where they get to enjoy the fresh air and have some fun in the sand! Even you could strengthen the bond between your children by sharing a few laughs on the see-saw or on the swings.Go camping with your kids once in a month or go sight seeing,teaching and showing them the different cultures striving around their little world.Involve your children in activities like cooking,cleaning the house,gardening or even doing the laundry.I understand there's no time for anyone to spare these days. But time's something that doesnt wait for anybody, it just passes by, like your little ones' childhood.What they would look back in their future and say depends on their today. So think twice!

"Im the parent!"

When it comes to the point when you order your children not to do this and that,and when they ask,"Why can't I do that?" Grow up.Dont give reasons like,"Im your mother and you have to listen to me".Give them the right reason for your action. Inspite of the soft talk, if things aren't going well, then look eye to eye with your child and tell him the consequence of his behaviour.I bet most of the parents would be saying, "Yea right!Be a parent and then comment!" I agree I aint a parent but I was once a child. Even parents are mere human beings who are bound to make mistakes.They're not perfect. Accept it. Experience teaches all, how to deal with various tackles of life.You're the parent. Show your kids who really is the grown up here!

The Raaga of the Ancestors.

Many folks have told me that they do the eye rolling and constant yelling because that's how their parents behaved when they were little.Maybe you calmed down because you didn't want to hear your mom go on and on. However,some kids enjoy having fun tormenting their parents and showing them who the real boss is! So stop for a while and think what could possibly make your child actually hear you.Dont mistake me with "bribary system" like, "If you score well in Maths, you'll get a new ipod!!". Some children listen and instantly obey-God bless them, some hates to be sent to their rooms to think about their actions, some become goodies when their father comes in the picture,etc. Find out what invokes your child. Dont go for your
parents', grandparents', aunts' or neighbours' child-handling mantra.They're your children and your experiment! ;)

So relax. Have fun being a parent, even if that means to handle three wailing kids at a time!!Someday they'll understand what you've gone through when they'll become parents.That'll be your payback time!Many crave for this "headache" that you're facing today.

Stop, take a deep breath and smile. Have a blessed day with your children!

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